Killing Games

Released in: 2001
Running time: 44 min 34 sec
Label: Brennus

" Killing Games " is musically the " Mauvaises Graines " album but with english lyrics.

Bruno Dolheguy handed the task of writing the texts to Xavier Lorente, the one who created both covers of these albums. Don’t look for a literal translation of Bruno's texts because he wanted to leave Xavier write his own ideas in order to give " Killing Games " an independent identity to " Mauvaises Graines ". The subjects are also different but preserves Killers’ own denounciative style. Bruno delivers the merchandise in english. An accent remains but is only adding a plus to their music. This album should open many doors to Killers on the international market.

It remains to be seen if it’s really a turning point for the band to record other albums in english …
